High Risk Patients
Identify high-risk patients
- High risk CC without diagnosis on d/c (abd pain, CP, h/a, fever)
- Abnormal VS
- Comorbid conditions - mental/psychiatric/drug abuse
- Chronic disease with decompensation
- Difficulty obtaining accurate data - language barrier, dementia, intoxications
- Advanced age
- Angry patients
- Unmet expectations
- Bouncebacks
- "Gut" feeling
Review your evaluation prior to d/c
- Address all documented complaints in the medical record
- Confirm H&P
- Consider other DDx of potentially life or limb threatening conditions
- Fully explore abnormal labs, VS, or imaging
- Write a progress note documenting medical decision making process
- Assure f/u and return to ER instructions
- Confirm that pt understands plan
Potential High-Risk Chief Complaints
- Back/Chest pain
- Weakness
- Headache
- Altered MS
- Abdominal pain
Back Pain/Chest Pain
Low Back Pain
- Fever
- Neuro deficits
- Saddle anesthesia
- Complete neuro exam (sensory, motor, cerebellar)
- Auscultate carotid arteries
- SAH, dissection, thrombosis, IIH
Ingestion/Altered MS
- Accucheck
- Alcohol
- Osmolality
- Salicylate
- Acetaminophen
Eye Pain
- Visual Acuity - Snellen (use glasses if patient wears glasses)
- Papilledema
Testicle Pain
- Cremaster reflex
- Equal flow to testicles on ultrasound